Topographic and tectonic stress inversions with halfspace: Preparing a coseismic slip model

In order to complete the tutorial, please first clone/download the github repo which comes with the DEM, coseismic slip model, and some auxiliary files, all with the correct pathnames.

(Or just download this notebook)


Topographic and tectonic stress inversions with halfspace: Preparing a DEM

In order to complete the tutorial, please first clone/download the github repo which comes with the DEM, coseismic slip model, and some auxiliary files, all with the correct pathnames.

(Or just download this notebook)


Topographic and tectonic stress inversions with halfspace: Installation and Configuration

In order to complete the tutorial, please first clone/download the github repo which comes with the DEM, coseismic slip model, and some auxiliary files, all with the correct pathnames.

(Or just download this notebook)


Halfspace: a Python package for elastic halfspace calculations

(edited 4 October 2014)

Part 1: Introduction

I've been working the past year and a half on calculating topographic and tectonic stresses. This work has relied heavily on using elastic halfspace approximations, which are quite commonly used in the crustal deformation communities, particularly by geodesists. To this end, I have …

AGU and SSA have new open access policies

Open access to scientific publications and datasets is very important for both scientific progress and for the incorporation of scientific knowledge into the public sphere. The reasons for this are manifold, and have been enumerated so vociferously on various blogs, email lists, and internet fora that one fears the spittle …

Low-angle Normal Fault Likelihood IPython Notebook

This is an IPython Notebook version of a paper I have just submitted to Geophysical Research Letters. This is the complete paper, but with all the code embedded, and is executable. However, it does need a Python module called as well as some of the typical Python scientific …

Evolution of fault stress through the earthquake cycle: a Mohr circle perspective


Topographic Stresses and the 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake -- AGU 2013 Presentation

For the AGU Fall Meeting 2013, we (myself, Eric Hetland, Guohong Zhang) presented a talk on stresses resulting from high topography and how those stresses can influence faulting. The presentation focused on the 2008 Wenchuan, China earthquake. Here is the slideshow:

The influence of topographic stresses on faulting, emphasizing the …

Some tips for new scientific programmers

This post is slightly modified from an email that I wrote to some friends who were looking for tips on getting started with scientific computing with MATLAB. I'm not the world's expert on the subject, and I traded MATLAB for Python a couple years back, but the advice should be …